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林正洪   Ching Hung Lam

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學歷    俄亥俄州立大學博士 (1996)
香港大學學士 (1989)

經歷    2009–         中央研究院數學所研究員
2004–2009  成功大學數學系教授
2001–2004  成功大學數學系副教授
1997–2000  筑波大學數學系文部教官助手
1996–1997  俄亥俄州立大學講師

  1. (with K. Harada) 'Inverses' of Virasoro operators, Communications in Algebra, 23(1995), no. 12, 4405-4413.
  2. Construction of vertex operator algebras form commutative associative algebras, Communications in Algebra, 24(1996), no. 14, 4439-4460.
  3. On VOA associated with special Jordan algebras, Communications in Algebra, 27(1999), no. 4, 1665-1681.
  4. Twisted repesentations of code vertex operator algebras, Journal of Algebra, 217(1999), no. 7, 275-299.
  5. Code vertex operator algebras under coordinates change, Communications in Algebra, 27(1999), no. 9, 4587-4605.
  6. (with C. Dong,and H. Yamada) Decomposition of the vertex operator algebra , Journal of Algebra, 222(1999), 500-510.
  7. (with H. Yamada) codes and vertex operator algebras, Journal of Algebra, 224(2000), 268-291.
  8. (with K.Kitazume, and H. Yamada) Decomposition of the Moonshine vertex operator algebra as Virasoro modules, Journal of Algebra, 226(2000), 893-919.
  9. Some twisted modules for framed vertex operator algebras, Journal of Algebra, 231(2000), 331-341.
  10. Representations of ternary code vertex operator algebras, Communications in Algebra, 29(2001), no. 3, 951-971.
  11. Fusion rules for Hamming code vertex operator algebra, Communications in Algebra, 29(2001), no. 5, 2125-2145.
  12. (with C. Dong,and H. Yamada) Decomposition of the vertex operator algebra , Communications in Contemporary Mathematics, 3(2001), no. 1, 137-151.
  13. Induced modules for orbifold vertex operator algebras, Journal of Mathematical Society of Japan, 53(2001), no. 3, 541-557.
  14. (with M. Kitazume, and H. Yamada) A class of vertex operator algebras constructed from -codes, Journal of Algebra(2001), 338-359.
  15. (with M. Kitazume, and H. Yamada) Moonshine vertex operator algebra as L(1/2,0) × L(7/10,0) × L(4/5,0) × L(1,0) -modules, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 173(2002), no. 1, 15-48.
  16. (with M. Kitazume, and H. Yamada) 3-state Potts model, Moonshine vertex operator algebra and 3A-elements of the Monster group, International Mathematics Research Notices, 23(2003), 1269-1303.
  17. (with N. Lam, and H. Yamauchi) Extension of unitary Virasoro vertex operator algebra by a simple module, International Mathematics Research Notices, 11(2003), 577-611.
  18. (with H. Yamada) Z3-twisted representations of lattice vertex operator algebras, Communications in Algebra, 31(2003), no. 6, 3001-3020.
  19. (with Yamada H) Tricritical 3-state Potts model and vertex operator algebras constructed from ternary codes, Communications in Algebra, 32(2004), no. 11, 4197-4219.
  20. (with H. Yamada) Decomposition of the lattice vertex operator algebra , Journal of Algebra, 272(2004), no. 2, 614-624.
  21. (with C. Dong, K. Tanabe, H. Yamada, and K. Yokoyama) symmetry and algebra in lattice vertex operator algebras, Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 215(2004), no. 5, 245-296.
  22. (with H. Yamada, and H. Yamauchi) McKay's observation and vertex operator algebras generated by two conformal vectors of central charge 1/2, Intern. Math. Res. Paper(2005), no. 3, 117-181.
  23. (with T. S. Chen) Extension of the tensor product of unitary Virasoro vertex operator algebras, Communications in Algebras, 35(2007), no. 8, 2487-2505.
  24. (with M. Miyamoto) Niemeier Lattices, Coxeter elements and McKay's E8 observation on the Monster simple group, Intern. Math. Res. Notices(2006).
  25. (with H. Yamauchi) A characterization of the moonshine vertex operator algebra by means of Virasoro frames, Intern. Math. Res. Notices, 2007(2007).
  26. (with C. Dong, R. L. Griess) Uniqueness results of Frenkel–Lepowsky -Meurman's moonshine vertex operator algebra, American Journal of Mathematics, 129(2007), no. 2, 583-609.
  27. (with H. Yamada and H. Yamauchi) Vertex operator algebra, extended E8 diagram and McKay’s observation on the Monster simple group, Transactions of American Mathematical Society, 359(2007), no. 9, 4107-4123.
  28. (with S. Sakuma and H. Yamauchi) Ising vectors and automorphism groups of commutant subalgebras related to root systems, Mathematische Zeitschrift, 255(2007), no. 3, 597-626.
  29. (with H. Shimakura) Ising vectors in the vertex operator algebra associated with the Leech lattice Λ, Intern. Math. Res., 2007(2007).
  30. (with H. Yamauchi) On the structure of framed vertex operator algebras and their pointwise frame stabilizers, Commun. Math. Phys., 277(2008), no. 1, 237-285.
  31. (with R.L. Griess Jr.) Rootless pairs of EE8-lattices, Electronic Research Announcements in Mathematical Sciences, 15(2008), 52-61.
  32. (with C. Dong,and H. Yamada) W-algebras in lattice vertex operator algebras, in Lie Theory and Its Applications in Physics VII, ed. by H.-D. Doebner and V. K. Dobrev, Proc. of the VII International Workshop, Varna, Bulgaria, 2007(2008), no. 35, 25-35.
  33. (with S. Sakuma) On a class of vertex operator algebras having a faithful -action, Taiwanese J. Math, 12(2008), no. 9, 2465-2488.
  34. (with H. Shimakura) Frame Stabilizers for Framed Vertex Operator Algebras Associated to Lattices Having 4-Frames, Int. Math. Res. Notices(2009).
  35. (with C. Dong,and H. Yamada) W-algebras related to parafermion algebras, J. Algebra, 332(2009), 2236-2043.
  36. (with C. Dong, Q. Wang and H. Yamada) The structure of parafermion vertex operator algebras, J. Algebra(2009).
  37. (with R.L. Griess Jr.) Dihedral groups and Sums of -lattices, Pure and applied mathematics quarterly, 7(2011), no. 3, 621-743.
  38. On the constructions of holomorphic vertex operator algebras of central charge 24, Comm. Math. Phys., 305(2011), no. 1, 153-198.
  39. (with R. L. Griess) A moonshine path from to the Monster, J. Pure and Applied Algebra, 215(2011), 927-948.
  40. (with Robert L. Griess Jr.) A moonshine path for and associated lattices of ranks 8 and 16, J. Algebra, 331(2011), 338-361.
  41. (with Gerald Hoehn; Hiroshi Yamauchi) McKay's observations on the Baby Monster, Inter. Math. Res. Not.(2011).
  42. (with R.L. Griess, Jr.) Diagonal lattices and rootless pairs, J. Pure and Applied Algebra, 216(2012), no. 1, 154-169.
  43. (with G. Hoehn, H. Yamauchi) McKay's observation on the largest Fischer group, Comm. Math. Phys.(2011).
  44. (with Masaaki Harada; Akihiro Munemasa) Residue codes of extremal Type II -codes and the moonshine vertex operator algebra, preprint(2011)(http://arxiv.org/abs/1005.1144).
  45. (with H. Shimakura) Quadratic spaces and holomorphic framed vertex operator algebras of central charge 24, Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society(2011)(doi: 10.1112/plms/pdr041).
  46. (with Robert L.~Griess Jr.) A new existence proof of the Monster by VOA theory, preprint(2011).






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