NCTS(South)/ NCKU Math Colloquium

DATE2013-05-23 16:10-17:00


SPEAKER章源慶 教授(成功大學數學系

TITLEStrengthening CCRC for Hilbert-Chow Morphisms

ABSTRACT In this talk, I will prove a correspondence which relates the genus zero extended Gromov-Witten invariants of the n-fold symmetric product stack [Sym^n(S)] of S to the genus zero extremal Gromov-Witten invariants of the Hilbert scheme Hilb^n(S) of n points on S, where S is any smooth toric surface and n is any positive integer. This solves the cohomological crepant resolution conjecture (CCRC) for the Hilbert-Chow morphism from Hilb^n(S) to Sym^n(S) and, in fact, proves a stronger result, which is not predicted by the conjecture.