NCTS(South)/ NCKU Math Colloquium

DATE2013-09-26 15:30-16:30


SPEAKER黃一樵 教授(中央研究院數學所

TITLEConvolution Identities and Their Structure

ABSTRACT Beginning with Euler's formula $$ \sum_{i=0}^n\binom{n}{i}B_iB_{n-i}=(1-n)B_n-nB_{n-1} $$ for the sum of products of two Bernoulli numbers, there are many generalizations, for example, to the sum of products of more Bernoulli numbers or to analog formulas for other numbers (such as Euler numbers and Fibonacci numbers). We show that these convolution identities come from parametrizations of varieties with a vector field. A Weyl algebra and the universal enveloping algebra of a Lie algebra appear in the framework.