NCTS(South)/ NCKU Math Colloquium

DATE2013-11-21 16:10-17:00


SPEAKER陳國璋 教授(清大數學系

TITLEFrom the Lambert Problem to the N-Body Problem

ABSTRACT The Newtonian 2-body problem is also called the Kepler problem in honor of Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) for his discovery of three laws of planetary motion, based on which Newton deduced in 1687 the celebrated law of universal gravitation. It is commonly considered a well-understood problem, as solving it with given initial data and proving Kepler's three laws require nothing more than tools from elementary calculus. The Lambert problem concerns the Kepler problem as a boundary value problem. A celebrated, very insightful theorem by Johann H. Lambert (1727-1777) states that the transfer time is functionally dependent on the distance between the two ends, the sum of orbital distances from the attractive focus, and the semimajor axis. In this talk I will briefly present an intriguing linkage between this beautiful theorem and the n-body problem.