NCTS(South)/ NCKU Math Colloquium

DATE2013-12-19 16:10-17:00


SPEAKER何小清 教授(新竹理論中心

TITLEGlobal Dynamics of a Heterogeneous Lotka-Volterra Competition-Diffusion System

ABSTRACT This talk, we will discuss the joint effects of diffusion and spatial variation on the global dynamics of a classical Lotka-Volterra competition system. We establish the global asymptotic stability of semi-trivial as well as co-existence steady states. Hence a complete understanding of the change in its dynamics is obtained, and various special cases will be discussed to illustrate the understandings. For instance, our results indicate that the species with ``a larger spatial concentration'' in its distribution of resources has a greater likelihood to eliminate its competitor in terms of the range of dispersal rates.