NCTS(South)/ NCKU Math Colloquium

DATE2014-01-02 15:10-16:00


SPEAKER張懷良 教授(香港科技大學

TITLEIntroduction to FJRW Theory

ABSTRACT For a Riemann surface C we call a line bundle "spin" if some power of it equals canonical line bundle of the curve. The moduli space of genus g curve C with a spin bundle admits a smooth compactification, denoted by \bar M_g^{1/n}.

For a polynomial W(x1,...,xn) FJRW invariants is constructed by intersecting certain cohomology classes \bar M_g^{1/n}. It is considered to be more universal than Gromov Witten theory. We shall brief the motivations of the theories and its algebraic constructions.