NCKU Math colloquium

DATE2008-05-28 10:30-11:20

PLACE數學館 (2F) 3177 教室

SPEAKER黃秀娟 (博士候選人)(成功大學數學系

TITLEA Critical Case on the Dirac-Klein-Gordon Equations in One Space Dimension

ABSTRACT Local well-posedness and global well-posedness for the Dirac-Klein-Gordon equations are proven in one space dimension, where initial data $\psi_0\in L^2({\bf R})$ and $\phi_0\in H^{\frac12}({\bf R}),\phi_1\in H^{-\frac12}({\bf R})$. The result fills the gap of Bournaveas and improves Fang's result in 2004. the proof uses a null estimate similar as Fang and bilinear estimates similar as Bournaveas. Moreover our proof relies on an integral representation of linear Dirac and linear wave equations.