Analysis Seminar

DATE2024-04-03 16:10-17:00

PLACE數學系館 3F會議室

SPEAKERProfessor Tomoyuki Tanaka (田中智之)(Faculty of Science and Engineering, Doshisha University

TITLEUnconditional Well-Posedness for Generalized KdV Type Equations on the Torus

ABSTRACT We consider the Cauchy problem for one-dimensional dispersive equations with a general nonlinearity in the periodic setting. Our equation contains some important models such as the generalized KdV equation and the Benjamin-Ono equation. We prove the local well-posedness and the unconditional uniqueness of the solution. The main ingredients are Strichartz type estimates and a kind of the normal form reduction. This talk is based on the joint work (arXiv:2207.08725) with Luc Molinet (Universit? de Tours).